Investing in K-12 Infrastructure To Build Back Better

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for dedicated federal funding to adequately and equitably update school infrastructure. K-12 infrastructure upgrades are necessary for the safe reopening of schools during the pandemic and crucial to securing long-term education, climate, economic, and social justice benefits. President Joe Biden has called for investing in resilient, clean energy schools in his Build Back Better agenda and included federal spending for school infrastructure in his American Jobs Plan. Congress now has an opportunity through economic recovery legislation to provide school districts with the capital funding they need to build safe and healthy schools for generations of students to come.

Please join the Center for American Progress and experts from across the education field to discuss the importance of federal funding for school infrastructure in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond; the health and learning benefits of investing in school infrastructure; school budgets and financing sources; and the clean energy opportunities that schools can access with the right support, all through an equity and social justice lens.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 1:00 pm (U.S./Eastern)

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